The 3 Writing Skills You Need to Create Effective Lessons

No course can be successful without quality content, and good course developers know that learner engagement and instructional effectiveness depend on how coherent and appealing the lessons are. This means that you need to polish off your writing skills—you want your learners to be engaged with your text, not distracted by it.
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Augmented Learning: What’s the Big Deal?

The more we understand about the process of learning, the more sophisticated our learning tools need to be. Most instructional designers will say that creating adaptive and dynamic courses, which put learners in charge of their own learning, is the ideal way to impart knowledge.
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3 Unusual Skills for Your Project Management Toolkit

Want to run your next project smoothly, with great teamwork and a low risk of failure? Everyone tells you to work on your leadership, organization, and communication skills to get the job done right. But there are three ingredients nobody talks about that you really need to be a successful project manager: guts, compassion, and cat wrangling (being able to focus distracted people on a single aim).
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Conflict Management for Leaders

While we may wish for our organizations to run in perfect harmony, the truth is that a diversity of voices will inevitably give rise to conflict. And that’s not always a bad thing—in fact, conflict management isn’t simply about nipping disagreements in the bud. It’s about minimizing the negative impact of conflict (lower employee engagement and morale, decreased productivity) while drawing out the positive aspects (generating new ideas, creative problem-solving, opportunities for growth).
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5 eLearning Habits to Break Now

You know successful eLearning when you see it—but when a course flops, you might find yourself wondering what went wrong. Many course failures are not due to bad designers so much as designers who have developed a number of short-cut habits along the way.
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4 Ways to Use Social Media in the Classroom

Social media is not just for fun anymore—it has become a powerful instrument for teaching, enhancing instructor impact in both eLearning and classroom-based environments. In fact 41% of instructors report using social media as a teaching tool.
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The 4-1-1 on Section 508

The most important part of developing an online course is also the part most often overlooked: making the content equally available to all learners, including those who have disabilities that impact the way they use technology.
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Five Tips for Creating Successful Instructional Videos

In 2015, having video in your online course is almost an imperative—video can demonstrate and illuminate concepts that are more difficult to express in text, and its mass appeal is apparent with both young and mobile learners. But if you use this tool, you have to do it right—learners associate the quality of instructional tools with the quality of the content.
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The Four People You Need on Your Team

Social Media integration can be a real game-changer when it comes to staying ahead with your learning & development efforts. The flexibility and unique learning opportunities offered through social channels can be surprisingly effective. You might not immediately think that social media is a valuable way for your trainees to spend their time, but in today’s modern and highly mobile workforce, a new perspective on L&D might be just the spark you need to fan the fire of innovation. Here are four ways you can incorporate social media into your programs for real results.
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Designing Culturally Inclusive Learning Environments

An inclusive learning environment is one in which every learner feels welcome, able to access and engage with course materials, and safe to express personal viewpoints. Because eLearning creates the possibility of a global classroom, with students representing many different cultures and backgrounds within a single course, inclusivity becomes both a necessity and an interesting challenge for online instructors. How can you facilitate a learning environment in which all voices are both able to be expressed and heard? How can the teaching materials accommodate everyone?
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