Learning Technology

Should You Gamify eLearning?

Corporate America today utilizes online learning and computer-based courses for employee training with great regularity. It is flexible and fast, giving employees the knowledge they need quickly, with no classrooms or conflicting schedules. One way that eLearning engages people to the greatest degree is through gamifying the courses. Gamification uses digital games to make learning more engaging and fun for students of all ages. For employees, this type of eLearning is more engaging because it allows competition among peers and offers incentives for completing tasks, like badges or virtual currency that can be exchanged for rewards. Gaming is now a widely accepted process for learning and discovery at all ages – including children, secondary education, and with business professionals.
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Learning Technology

eLearning in the 21st Century

eLearning is continuously evolving as technology becomes more accessible. Learning and development platforms now engage in a variety of methods that make it easier for individuals all over the world to learn at their own pace through enhanced systems. Mobile learning is now a viable option in which to receive training, study and learn while on-the-go. The culture of the 21st century is a “right now” platform, and companies who understand this notion have to consistently keep up with a changing global environment.
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Learning Technology

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Tin Can (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Lately there’s been a lot of talk about Tin Can and how this API (application programming interface) will revolutionize how we access information and how we learn. We asked Andy Whitaker, Tin Can API Strategist of Rustici Software, to explain exactly what Tin Can API is and how it can benefit Learning and Development professionals. Although the questions are geared toward applications for L&D, there are also implications for Technical Documentation.
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Learning Technology

Habits of Mind

Why do we do what we do, over and over? New York Times business reporter Charles Duhigg was curious about how we form habits and how we might circumvent these patterns, and so he researched and wrote, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business. The book examines science’s new understanding of the neurology of habit formation and how this research plays out in real world examples.
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Learning Technology

Free Social Media Tools for Content Curation

As community manager for Clarity Consultants, there are a number of tools that I use to help manage the flood of information I encounter every day. Many of these tools that I use for community management can also easily be used for content curation for L&D practitioners.
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Learning Technology

Dinosaur? Necessary Evil? Critical Strategic Tool?

Is the learning management system (LMS) as we know it dead? Not at all, judging from the number of calls that Clarity Consultants receives each year from clients seeking help with selection, implementation, integration, and maintenance. But although those calls suggest that the LMS is alive and well, they lead to an additional conclusion: selecting and implementing an LMS is difficult. There are many choices on the market, and those choices are morphing into talent management systems, social learning systems, and systems tailored to specific industry verticals.
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For more than 25 years, we’ve managed projects touching every element of learning and talent development.