Learning Effectiveness

Online or Blended: Which is Better?

If you Google “online or blended?” you’ll find a number of opinions, the surprising majority of which offer a concrete answer: blended. But is that true? Is one delivery method really superior to another?
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Learning Technology

MOOCs: Effective Instruction or Pedagogical Disaster?

The last few years have seen a tremendous surge of interest in Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs). Just last month, Harvard and MIT jointly published a large research study examining the trends emerging from MOOCs their universities offered in the last two years.
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Learning Technology

Can eLearning Influence Behavior Change?

Transformative learning is more than memorizing steps or learning basic skills—in many cases, it’s about shifting values and beliefs to uproot old behavior patterns. Training classes that teach employees new policies and healthcare modules that try to improve patient habits are both examples of tools that are designed to incite behavior change.
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Instructional Design

Cognitive Load Theory: What You Need to Know to Develop Instructional Tools that Work

A central piece in the puzzle of designing instructional tools is understanding how the human mind learns—how much information can a learner retain, and how should that information be presented? Investment costs in the design, production, and implementation of e-learning in particular makes the effectiveness of such tools even more crucial. A poorly designed course can confuse learners, missing the instructional mark and costing your company dearly.
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Learning Technology

Digital Badges: Do They Help or Hurt Your Online Reputation?

Digital badges are a fairly new phenomenon on the Internet. Educators (especially online universities), companies (particularly online companies) and people who work in Internet-based fields award and post digital badges as a form of accreditation in a particular specialty. When posted on a website, a digital badge attests to an individual’s skills or mastery of a subject through training, without necessarily a formal diploma or certificate. A badge on a university site signifies that the school teaches that subject. Organizations post badges to establish themselves in a niche market.
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Learning Technology

Partnering up Gamification with eLearning

Adults like the online eLearning experience, and according to one study by the U.S. Department of Education, learners do better online than in face-to-face instruction. That’s good to know, especially when you have a group of adult workers who need to learn new skills, but you don’t want to bear the costs and time involved in classroom learning.
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