When it comes to expectations in the workplace, Millennials are rapidly impacting the landscape. The learning and development (L&D) techniques and methods of yesterday simply don’t align with their preferences and learning styles, decreasing the effectiveness of training programs as a result.
Today, if you want to engage your Millennial workers, you need to go not just digital but mobile as well. Additionally, you need to make sure that the content itself provides value, using approaches like micro-learning to align with how these professionals communicate and devour information in their daily lives.
If you want to make sure that your L&D program meets the expectations of the younger segment of your workforce, here is what you need to know.
Keep the Content Relevant and Engaging
Millennials and their younger counterparts, Gen Z, are generations that were raised on emails, IMs, and social media. Over time, they developed a preference for bite-sized learning as the approach mimics how they communicate with their friends and family, particularly when they are online.
If you expect Millennial and younger workers to sit through lengthy presentations, you aren’t going to get the ideal results. Instead, you need to divide modules into smaller pieces, focusing on a single topic for each lesson and delivering the content with an engaging approach.
Gamification, video, and even virtual reality (VR) options can all enhance engagement. After all, video is king on social media and many Millennials and younger workers grew up playing video games, making them incredibly familiar. While VR would be a relative newcomer on the block, the unique feel of a VR experience today can make learning more engaging. Plus, if the application is interactive, it can take learning in a whole new direction that is filled with excitement.
Focus on Accessible Delivery
Today, nearly everyone has a smartphone in their pocket. In fact, the majority of Millennials and younger workers prefer these handheld devices over larger form factors, like desktop computers and laptops.
If you want to make your training accessible, you need to send it to the devices they prefer to use. Mobile content delivery is ideal as it relies on technologies they are already comfortable with and the devices are highly portable, allowing employees to complete micro-learning objectives even while on the go.
Ultimately, if you don’t go digital and mobile soon, many Millennial workers will become dissatisfied with what you have to offer. When you don’t meet their expectations, retaining top performers becomes harder. Plus, if they aren’t learning effectively, you won’t be able to mold your leaders of tomorrow.
Are You Searching for L&D Professionals Who Can Help You Go Digital and Mobile?
If you are seeking L&D experts who can make your digital and mobile learning program goals a reality, the team at Clarity Consultants can help you find your ideal candidates. At Clarity Consultants, we have over a quarter-century of experience in the L&D field, making it easier than ever to access to the top talent you need for your company to thrive. Contact us to find out more about our services and see how our L&D expertise can benefit you.