Why You Should Consider Incorporating Microlearning in Your Training
Microlearning is a training approach that focuses on providing information in bite-sized chunks. The goal is to ensure the material is highly digestible and that courses are accessible to even the busiest learners. Overall, a microlearning strategy is relatively easy to implement. Plus, it’s a highly effective approach. Here’s a look at some reasons why incorporating microlearning into your instructional design is a smart move.

Prevents Learner Fatigue

One of the biggest challenges traditional coursework faces is learner fatigue. Listening to a lecture, reading text, or engaging with new information for an extended period leads to lower engagement. Essentially, learners struggle to maintain focus, causing them to miss important details or have trouble recalling all the material later. With microlearning, learner fatigue isn’t an issue. Along with offering highly focused material, which simplifies knowledge acquisition, the courses are typically no more than 15 minutes long. As a result, it’s easier for learners to maintain concentration until the module is complete.

Offers Just-in-Time Training Options

Just-in-time training is a strategy that makes pertinent materials available to employees right when they need them. Usually, the presented information is connected to specific tasks. By using the microlearning approach, learners get the precise knowledge they require when facing an unfamiliar activity without having to dig through larger modules to find the information they’re after.

Makes Learning Accessible

Microlearning is typically part of a broader e-learning strategy. As a result, courses are usually virtual. Since that’s the case, training is highly accessible in most cases. While companies can opt to keep e-learning platforms only available to those in the workplace, most use web-based approaches. By doing so, learners can start courses by heading to the associated platform through browsers or companion apps, increasing their access. That eliminates a potentially significant hurdle, making participation easier for all learners.

Allows for Greater Flexibility

Since microlearning courses are short and highly focused, learners have greater flexibility. They can participate in training when it’s convenient and quickly set it down when it’s time to focus on other tasks. Plus, they can select the most relevant modules based on the available ones in their training roadmap. Since microlearning platforms are typically accessible on mobile devices, it also allows them to participate while on the go. Highly mobile employees aren’t required to return to the workplace for training, offering them critical flexibility that makes handling their responsibilities easier.

Quicker Knowledge Refreshers

When a learner needs to refresh their knowledge on a particular subject, microlearning makes that simpler. Learners don’t need to go through lengthy courses to review a small piece of information that is no longer clear in their minds. Instead, they can head directly to a short module that focuses solely on that area, making refreshing their understanding far more convenient. At Clarity, we over have 30 years of experience in L&D, giving us the knowledge and expertise to provide support and guidance to help companies efficiently integrate microlearning into their programs. Clarity can be your candidate search ally if you’re trying to expand your internal L&D team, connecting you with top talent when needed.

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For over 30 years, we’ve managed projects touching every element of learning and talent development.