The 4 Principles of Strategic Change Management
When change within an organization is essential, using a strategic approach has to be part of the equation. Otherwise, the odds of success diminish greatly, causing the shift to potentially cause more harm than good. By following the four principles of strategic change management, the likelihood of resistance and roadblocks drops. Here’s a look at each of the principles.

Four Basic Principles of Change Management

1. Understand

A key part of the change management equation is understanding. All involved parties, impacted individuals, and stakeholders need to be fully apprised of what lies ahead and the reasoning behind the decision to alter a process, introduce a new system, or otherwise move forward with a change. Essentially, everyone needs a full grip on the change that’s coming and why it needs to occur. Additionally, it’s beneficial for stakeholders to know how success will be measured and if any obstacles are anticipated, giving everyone an opportunity to consider how they may be addressed.

2. Plan

Having a well-developed plan for moving forward with a change is critical. It gives all involved parties a formal framework, ensuring everyone is on the same page and moving forward cohesively. The nature of the plan can vary depending on your company’s culture. For highly structured environments, a detailed plan could be essential. In more laid-back workplaces, a simple punch list may do the trick.

3. Implement

Implementing a change isn’t something that should happen overnight. Instead, it’s best to outline the entire process. Set official start and end dates for the project and outline milestones to mark critical steps, monitor progress, and create a sense of urgency. Securing buy-in and support can also be part of this phase. Ensuring all of those who are involved or impacted believe in the change can make a difference. As a result, it’s wise to openly discuss any questions or concerns others may have, allowing you to address those points and increase their confidence in the change.

4. Communicate

Communication is a core part of effective change management. Often, when people are resistant to an idea, it’s because they aren’t fully informed. Being kept in the dark can amplify feelings of fear and anxiety, whereas open communication can increase confidence. Usually, simple approaches like sharing updates, holding town halls, creating FAQs, and similar options can be a solid starting point. Along with communicating advantages, respond to concerns directly using a fact-based approach. That way, you can keep everyone informed in a way that will boost confidence.

Do You Need to Offer Training to Support an Organizational Change?

Often, training is essential when you implement a change in an organization, allowing you to provide formal guidance to those impacted by the new or updated process, procedure, or technology. As a result, having a reliable team of L&D experts by your side could be essential. At Clarity, we have nearly 30 years of experience in L&D, giving us the knowledge and expertise to create new training or update your current coursework. Plus, if you’re trying to expand your internal L&D team, Clarity can be your candidate search ally, connecting you with top talent right when you need them. If you want to partner with leading L&D professionals, Clarity Consultants is here. Contact us today. This is 12  

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For over 30 years, we’ve managed projects touching every element of learning and talent development.