Micro Learning Made Easy
[feat-img-left]Have you ever taken a complex skill and broken it down into bite-size pieces?  When you are challenging your team to learn new skills, a bite-size skill may be more manageable. Micro learning is easier and more constructive, particularly in smaller amounts of time, with minimal cost involved. So, how do you set up a positive micro learning environment that is conducive to your business schedule and the amount of learning you need your team to garner?
Breaking Information Down
 Learning experts have been touting the fact that students of all ages and capabilities have limited attention spans for effective learning. The generally agreed range of optimal learning time is about 10 to 15 minutes. While that doesn’t seem like a lot, it’s actually the perfect window for bite-size chunks of information. Micro learning techniques take this limitation and make it into the structure of their learning strategy. Larger skills or topics are broken down into multiple “micro-courses” which fit easily into this ideal time frame for the average learner’s attention span. Learners are presented with the most relevant information in an abbreviated amount of time.
Stay on Point During the Training
Micro learning is all about keeping things short and smart. Maximize the time invested into the training by cutting away all the fluff and inconsequential information you may think helps support the message. Rarely does the supporting material do anything but distract your learners. Keep your training brief but focused on learning goals and key takeaways for maximum effect.
Presenting Information in Various Ways
The flexibility of micro learning is also a feature in that it provides learners the opportunity to discover a topic in multiple forms. Experiment with different content formats to keep information interesting and engaging.  Lectures, case studies, videos and simulations are all excellent translations of micro learning in action. A well-rounded teaching style offers the chance to maximize on training and minimize the time commitment. This style of training also makes lessons more memorable and allows for continuous learning with manageable time commitments.
Preparing for Training
In order to fully prepare a student for the training they are about to receive, it’s important to create awareness about the topic prior to the training itself. This preparation can consist of short but engaging videos or infographics, or even a brief quiz to check prior knowledge to excite and motivate the student about the training. These elements of preparation help to engage the audience before the training even begins.
Reinforce Learning to Improve Retention
In order to support our trainees in their learning, it’s important for managers to reinforce the lessons that were provided. Providing access to reference tools, job aids, or other follow-up resources help to cement the importance of the message that was just shared. Don’t let the training you invested time and resources into completing fall by the wayside. Circle back to the lesson regularly to incorporate the new skill into your daily work flow.

Contact Clarity

For over 30 years, we’ve managed projects touching every element of learning and talent development.