Not long ago, many people would have balked at the idea of using social media within a learning environment. The original focus of these platforms wasn’t on learning, instead concentrating on the sharing of information among families and friend circles.
However, as time has passed, social media has evolved. It’s become a resource for information, active debates, and more, all of which elevate its potential as a learning tool.
Today, virtual learning programs are increasingly embracing social media as a tool. If you are wondering how social media is marking its mark in education and how social tools are enhancing the eLearning experience, here’s what you need to know.
How Social Media Is Making Its Mark in Education
Social media, by design, is about connection. Through these increasingly robust platforms, people can communicate with others in a variety of ways regardless of the physical distance between them. Since the communication tools are so functional, they make logical choices for certain educational purposes.
Within virtual learning programs, students often aren’t based in the same physical areas. As a result, casual discussions about course material, study groups, and other semi-social activities often can’t happen in person.
Thankfully, social media has the ability to bridge the physical gap. Students can easily form groups, giving them a place to discuss class material and share ideas. They can comment on posts made by others, as well as share links to other posts, videos, or resources that may benefit others.
When it comes to promoting the spread of information, social media is genuinely hard to beat. As it has made its way into the virtual learning landscape, it has assisted students from all walks of life to stay connected and help one another, elevating the educational experience to new heights.
Continuing Evolution of Social Tools for eLearning
While existing social media apps can certainly be used for eLearning purposes, some virtual learning programs are taking the next step, offering robust social tools to encourage interaction among students. Options like Google Classroom and Schoology have already gone this route, integrating their own social-oriented features into the core platform.
Along with supporting learning objectives, social tool integration gives students places for non-class-based interaction. This enhances the sense of connection, something that can boost morale among all who participate.
Ultimately, this evolution is likely just one step in a series of many. As platforms continue to recognize the benefits of social tools, integrated offerings will become increasingly capable. In the end, the advantages to the virtual learning experience will only become greater.
Do You Want to Embrace Social Tools in Your Virtual Learning Program?
If you need support from L&D experts to incorporate social tools into your virtual learning program, Clarity Consultants wants to hear from you. At Clarity, we have over a quarter of a century of experience in the L&D industry, giving us the expertise you need to embrace new approaches. Plus, the Clarity team is ready to serve as your L&D candidate search allies, empowering you to find the top talent you need when you faster than ever before.
If you want to partner with L&D professionals who can make integrating social tools as simple as possible, Clarity Consultants is here. Contact us today.