Changes in Organizational Trends Impacting How We Work
Certain organizational trends are significantly impacting the way people work, as well as how they learn on the job. While the effect their having does vary from one trend to the next, each is a critical part of a broader equation. Ultimately, they are reshaping workplaces on a constant basis, and many of these trends are reaching new heights each and every day. By understanding what’s changing, it’s easier to capitalize on opportunities created by these shifts in workplace behavior. If you’re wondering which ones deserve your attention, here is a look at changes in organizational trends that are impacting how we work that are worth noting.

Learning within the Broader Workflow

During the pandemic, certain formal training options simply weren’t viable. While companies were able to make use of e-learning opportunities, finding new ways to increase knowledge and develop skills was also essential. As a result, learning became a bigger part of the broader workflow. In some cases, the shape of this type of learning did rely on e-learning technologies and trends. Microlearning made modules shorter and highly focused, which makes them easier to fit into the day and digest. Couple that with just-in-time learning strategies, and employees could get critical knowledge and skill-building information precisely when it was needed. Overall, this increased learning efficiency dramatically. Additionally, it allows workers to focus on lessons that provide immediate value, boosting knowledge retention while making training easier to manage.

The Rise of AI in Organizational Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to streamline the workplace training experience. It allows the system to assess an employee’s knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis, creating opportunities to update their training places automatically. Whether it’s allowing them to speed past courses that contain information they know, avoid modules that aren’t relevant to their roles, or take deeper dives into topics they aren’t fully grasping; the adaptive approach is highly effective. Plus, with AI, the changes to learning paths are autonomous. As long as the system knows how to adapt the pathways based on received data, your learning and development (L&D) can be relatively hands-off in that regard, giving them more time to monitor program effectiveness and develop new coursework.

Digital Transformation Transitions from Trend to Essential

While, in many ways, this marks the end of a trend, digital transformation is now taking its position as a mainstay in every aspect of business, including training. Made necessary by the pandemic, digital transformation embraces the broad capabilities of technology, connecting people to resources and opportunities regardless of whether they’re in the workplace. Ultimately, digital transformation spurred the rise of e-learning and, now that it’s reaching maturity, will become a core part of nearly every company moving forward.

Are You Ready to Embrace the Organizational Trends Above to Boost Organizational Learning?

At Clarity, we have 30 years of experience in L&D, giving us the knowledge and expertise to help you embrace the trends above to boost organizational learning. Plus, if you’re trying to expand your internal L&D team, Clarity can be your candidate search ally, connecting you with top talent right when you need them. If you want to partner with leading L&D professionals, Clarity Consultants is here. Contact us today. This is 12 1 1 1 1

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For over 30 years, we’ve managed projects touching every element of learning and talent development.