5 Ways to Update Your Outdated eLearning Courses
Many organizations still rely on the same approaches when designing eLearning courses as they did years – if not decades – ago. While some view this as a pathway for creating timeless experiences, not updating modules to align with shifting learner expectations negatively impacts engagement. In turn, the effectiveness of any training declines, and participation wains. Fortunately, updating your outdated eLearning course doesn’t have to be a challenge. Here are five ways to refresh your modules quickly and efficiently.

1. Use an Iterative Approach

When developing eLearning courses, many organizations create modules from beginning to end without soliciting feedback from learners. As a result, a significant time and resource investment is made before determining the effectiveness of the course strategy. Using an iterative approach instead allows for ongoing improvement throughout development, allowing feedback to adjust the path to ensure it meets end-user needs.

2. Make Designs Responsive

During the early days of eLearning, learners generally participated using standard computing technologies, such as desktops and laptops. Today, participants may rely on a broader range of devices, including smartphones and tablets. The way course information is displayed without responsive designs doesn’t effectively adapt to the device used. In turn, the experience often frustrates learners relying on mobile devices. The eLearning course adapts to various device types by following responsive design best practices. It automatically adjusts how the material is presented, allowing it to comfortably fit on multiple screen sizes, optimizing the end-user experience.

3. Prioritize Engagement

Effective eLearning coursework design isn’t simply about presenting information; it’s about ensuring learners remain engaged with the material. Integrate strategies that keep learners focused and interested, such as interactive scenarios and fun quizzes. Then, gamification provides a sense of achievement, boosting overall motivation.

4. Embrace Video

Reading text on a screen is only the ideal learning method for a subset of your eLearning course participants. As a result, some learners may struggle to process and retain the shared information, leading to poorer overall outcomes. By adding Video into the mix, you can create courses that work well for visual and auditory learners. As a result, the modules are more engaging to many learners.

5. Create Emotional Connections

Emotional connections can strengthen knowledge acquisition and retention. Since that’s the case, it’s crucial to incorporate moments that solicit emotional responses. Doing so makes the content more meaningful and engaging, leading to higher levels of participation and improved results. All five tips above can help you update outdated eLearning courses quickly and efficiently. Using them all, you can modernize your training, ensuring it engages today’s learners. At Clarity, we have over 30 years of experience in L&D, giving us the knowledge and expertise to provide support and guidance to update your outdated eLearning courses. Clarity can be your candidate search ally if you’re trying to expand your internal L&D team, connecting you with top talent when needed. Contact us today.    

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